Thanks to your support, we can continue to innovate and inspire through unique projects, world-class soloists and ground-breaking programming. Whether you choose to attend our concerts regularly, make a donation or a bequest, or associate your company with the Orchestra, your help is invaluable. In doing so, you provide us with the momentum to develop young talent, create educational projects and make music accessible to everyone.
Would you like to support the Orchestra and its missions with a donation? Here are some examples:
A donation of €40 allows us to invite a child to attend a concert.
A donation of €500 enables a young musician to collaborate with members of the Orchestra.
€4,000 is needed to commission a work from a young Belgian composer.
Any donation of €40 or more is tax-deductible. A tax receipt will be provided, allowing you to benefit from a 45% tax reduction on the amount donated (depending on your personal situation).
Donations can be made to IBAN BE15 6790 0024 5530 with the reference "donation + first name, last name and email address." If you would like your donation to be allocated to a specific project, please don't hesitate to mention it.
Do you believe that music is essential to elevate souls, soften the world and share great moments? Why not pass on this conviction beyond your own life and share it with your children and grandchildren? You can do so by leaving a legacy to the Belgian National Orchestra.
For nearly a century, the Belgian National Orchestra has held a central place in the cultural life of our country. Our concerts have captivated, moved, and united diverse audiences both in Belgium and internationally. The support of our donors is essential for us to continue sharing our passion for music with an ever-growing audience.
Legacies contribute to every aspect of our mission, from our concerts to our educational programs, which introduce young people to music and nurture tomorrow’s talent. This is why every contribution, whether small or large, is deeply appreciated and will have a lasting impact on the future of the Belgian National Orchestra. By making this gesture, you will leave a unique musical legacy that will continue to inspire generations to come.
Speak with your notary or contact us for more information if you wish to designate us as a beneficiary.
Supporting culture is investing in the future.
Companies have the opportunity to support the Belgian National Orchestra while aligning their image with that of our Orchestra, a true national reference. The orchestra embodies many values such as excellence, innovation, culture and beauty, which positively reflect on partner companies.
There are many ways you can support the BNO: sponsoring or skills-based sponsorship, creating tailored programs, purchasing an instrument, and more. We would be thrilled to create a unique and enriching partnership with you!
A concert by the Belgian National Orchestra is the perfect event to invite clients, prospects and business contacts, providing an opportunity to initiate or deepen a trusting relationship by offering them an unforgettable musical experience.
The Belgian National Orchestra offers flexible options for corporate partners. Feel free to contact us to discuss what we can create together.
Thomas Clarinval
Public Relations Officer
+32 474 40 44 81