09 Musica Maestro Marin Driguez

High schools

Animals are the mirror of our humanity. They show our capacity for empathy, compassion and coexistence. And that is why the subject of animal rights is not only about animals, but also about us - about the kind of world we want to live in as human beings.

Throughout the history of music, composers have been fascinated and inspired by the nature around them, and the great diversity of animals that lived there.

In this Musica Maestro, maestro David Ramael allows these animals to speak through music. He explains how each composer uses the instrument groups in the orchestra in his own way, and discusses the uniqueness of each instrument and its timbre within the orchestra. Projections on large screen zoom in on what is happening on stage.

Type: concert

Dates: VR 24.01.25 - 11:00 (NL) and 13:30 (FR)

Duration: 50 minutes

Location: Henry Le Boeuf Hall, Bozar

Price: € 8 per student + 1 teacher free per 15 students

Coproduction: Bozar

  • Musica Maestro 2023
  • Musica Maestro 2023 2